To demonstrate the interplay between IO-Link and IO-Link Safety in an application, an IO-Link text display and an IO-Link signal light are used for status indication.
Multinational inventors of GIWUS Technology haveinvented the world’s first fully-automated artificial intelligence (AI)-controlled fire safety system. The system includes an Ultraxs Robotic Firefighter and a Smart Application.
Renesas Electronics announced availability of industry-leading functional safety solutions that meet the IEC61508 standard for both its RA and RX Families of microcontrollers. Renesas now offers IEC 61508 SIL3 certified self-test software for both Arm® Cortex®-M23 and -M33-based MCUs.
The safety functions of the B&R ACOPOS P3 servo drive are now also available for motors with a safe Hiperface DSL encoder. Machine builders now have a broader selection of motors when implementing safe motion control applications.
B&R은 ACOPOS P3 서보 드라이브에 안전 토크 결정 기능을 장착해 기존의 외장 센서가 필요했던 분야에서도 별도의 센서 없이 다양한 안전 기능을 활용할 수 있게 됐다고 밝혔다. 이 안전 기능을 강화한 서보 드라이브는 특히 유럽(EU) 등에서 요구되는 기계류 안전 지침에 대한 준수 비용을 절감한다.