토요일, 2월 22, 2025

Zilog Announces its New RadioPulse MG2475 SoC ZigBee Wireless Solution

Zilog, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of IXYS Corporation (NASDAQ:IXYS) focusing on application-specific solutions with microcontrollers (MCUs) today announced the introduction of the MG2475, IoT One Chip Solution for wireless connectivity expanding the Zilog wireless technologies family of 8-16-32 bit microcontrollers.
“This product is part of the new MCU based ICs that Radio Pulse (“RP”) developed. RP is a company that we recently acquired that extended the ZigBee performance envelope. RP’s operations in Korea have been integrated within our growing MCU business unit within our Zilog worldwide operations. The MG2475 is in a class by itself, offering better ZigBee performance with better voice quality and range communication than our competitors, and is a first in a series of wireless products that we will introduce,” commented Dr. Nathan Zommer, CEO of IXYS.
MG2475 is a true 2.4 GHz system-on-chip (SoC) designed for low-power and very low-cost applications based on IEEE802.15.4 and RF4CE. MG2475 includes the combination of an advanced RF transceiver with an industry-standard enhanced 8051 MCU, a baseband PHY, a MAC with AES-128 HW engine, an in-system programmable 64KB Flash memory, a 6-KB RAM, and many other application-specific peripherals. In addition to the standard data-rate specified in IEEE802.15.4, enhanced multiple data-rate modes (max. 1Mbps) with channel coding are supported. Enhanced performance and low-power performance is achieved due to instruction cache, peripheral DMA, memory and I/O retention under the power down modes. This SoC is optimal for low-power RF4CE remote control applications.
“With the world of smart devices growing rapidly, providing a one-chip solution that delivers world class performance is absolutely critical in supporting the needs of multiple connected devices. Zilog’s new RadioPulse products feature best in class ZigBee SoCs taking wireless communications to the next level. This provides higher data rates up to 3 Mbps and since RadioPulse has higher data output power with better sensitivity, the SoC can provide longer communication range. This excellently designed product also offers key additional features to support voice transmission and security layers which provide flexibility in new designs,” remarked Steve Darrough, VP of Marketing for IXYS Corporation.
For more information at www.zilog.com

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