일요일, 2월 23, 2025

Tag: Bosch


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[#ces] Bosch unveils cutting edge Smart Connected Sensors platform for full-body motion tracking

For applications using Smart Connected Sensors, our new platform significantly reduces the amount of effort required from designers, enabling them to cut time to market and focus more on their specific expertise.

CES 2025: Bosch products present in every aspect of daily life

CES 2025 in Las Vegas is one of the world’s biggest electronics trade fairs in a strategic growth market for Bosch

Bosch sells security and communications technology product business to Triton

Bosch is selling its Building Technologies division’s product business for security and communications technology to the European investment firm Triton

보쉬, 보안 및 통신 기술 사업부 Triton에 매각

보쉬(Bosch)는 보안 및 통신 기술 제품 사업부를 유럽 투자회사인 트라이톤(Triton)에 매각한다

보쉬, 교통 안전을 강화하는 실시간 도로 위험 경고 서비스 출시

보쉬(Bosch)가 혁신적인 도로 위험 경고 서비스를 도입해 교통 안전을 크게 향상시켰다

[#HM24] 보쉬렉스로스, 리니어 모션 시스템 ctrlX FLOWHS 선보여

ctrlX FLOWHS는 최대 10G의 가속도와 5m/s의 속도를 보장하는 높은 역동성을 제공한다

[#HM24] Bosch Rexroth presents linear motion system ctrlX FLOW at HannoverMesse

One benefit of ctrlX FLOW is its high dynamics which helps to ensure the necessary performance levels in modern factories

생성형 AI가 제조업 품질 향상에 도움이 되는 방법

"생성형 AI는 효율성을 높이고 품질을 향상시키는 제조 분야의 가장 큰 수단 중 하나입니다"

[#HM24]Bosch presents eight highlights for sustainable industry

Bosch presents sustainable solutions for factory automation, the hydrogen economy, and AI.

Bosch to invest billions in climate-neutral technology

In the 2021 business year, Bosch achieved significant growth in sales and result despite a difficult environment.

BMW and Bosch smart home start a joint campaign

All important functions can also be controlled via the voice assistants, Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa.

Finding a balance between energy supply security and climate change

From 30 May to 2 June, some 2,500 companies display their technologies for the factories and energy systems of the future at the Hannover Exhibition Center.
