Hymer engineers use Rapid Author for Teamcenter (formerly known as Cortona 3D) to create all documentation. They benefit from its work instruction component to create electronic instructions for assembly lines.
유진로봇(대표 박성주)이 4월 6일부터 8일까지 서울 코엑스 전시장에서 열리는 [SFAW 2022] 스마트공장∙자동화산업전 ‘스마트팩토리+오토메이션월드(Smart Factory+Automation World·SFAW) 2022’에서 다양한 자율주행 및 센서 솔루션을 소개한다.
“When machines are operated manually, accuracy and efficiency depend on the experience of the operator. Operators can also become fatigued, creating a potential safety risk,” said Mr. Wan Zhi, President at Hunan Qiaokang Bridge Health Intelligent Technology at Liuzhou Steel Group