About ICN Corp.

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Welcome to ICN.

We try to provide the services to satisfy our customers through the establishment of a network of various people for information about the domestic industry

[Introduction Main business]

1. Research Division

We provide research reports through self survey-potter or implementation of the project such as various and different markets, technology trends, demand party awareness surveys, competitor tracking, and dealer satisfaction surveys. These are for supporting the exact strategy of affiliated companies in the process of technology development of domestic industry…

2. Publishing Division

– Publishing in book form: We propagate new technologies to the domestic industry through publishing books on industrial technologies.

– Design Agency: We supply services for making a design and printing product manuals, and brochures for related companies

3. Convention Division

– Exhibition: We make active efforts to spread home and abroad industrial technologies through industrial exhibition planning

– Seminar, Symposium: We supply systematic, effective functions with our professional convention plans

– Online Seminar: We support the newest home and abroad industrial technologies through online seminars and prepare a variety of channels with organic exchange information between seminar participants.

4. Media Division

https://icnweb.kr : Industrial IoT and Digital twin information and technology magazine. We supply information of industrial IoT, Industrial Ethernet, semiconductor, automation, and market research reports.

– http://mobilitytimes.net : Autonomous, Robotics, and Unmanned Systems news and related platform information reports.

https://powerelectronics.kr : Power Electronics Magazine KOREA. We supply information on power electronics, energy saving technologies, and market research reports.

We wish you lots of attention, active participation, and kinds of project consultation

[ Information of ICN]

ADDRESS: 260(ICN), 2F, Shinchon-ro 25, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul, 03785, KOREA

Biz Web : www.icnweb.co.kr

ICN Industrial IoT mag : www.icnweb.kr

Power Electronics mag : www.powerelectronics.co.kr

Mobility Times : www.mobilitytimes.net

Contact | Seungmo Timothy Oh, Editor-in-Chief

e-mail: oseam@icnweb.co.kr

facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ohtimo

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