Emesent partners with Aerodyne Group to expand global distribution.
Aerodyne Group is a DT3 (Drone Tech, Data Tech, and Digital Transformation) enterprise solutions provider and a pioneer in the use of AI as an enabling technology for large-scale data operations, analytics, and process optimization. Aerodyne employs over 400 drone professionals to operate on an unprecedented level in the UAS services sector and has managed over 300,000 infrastructure assets with 110,000 flight operations and surveyed over 100,000 km of power infrastructure across 35 countries globally.
Aerodyne is ranked second in the world by Drone Industry Insights (DII) in its ‘Drone Service Provider Ranking 2020’; was named Frost & Sullivan’s ‘Asia Pacific UAV Services Company of 2019’; and a recipient of the Institute of Engineering and Technology (IET) Malaysia’s ‘Industry Excellence Gold Award 2019’.
Emesent has ever welcomed Aerodyne Chile to the network back in September 2019, followed by Aerodyne Australia in November 2019. Since then the US-based regional headquarters, Aerodyne Measure Inc, has joined the network, as well as Aerodyne India and Aerodyne Malaysia.
Emesent’s Hovermap delivers accurate point clouds ready for as-builts and digital twins. A recent comparison of Hovermap and total station surveys at a working quarry found Hovermap data fitted the survey control with a 3D distance of 13mm ±4mm from ground truth.