수요일, 2월 5, 2025

New Honeywell switches reduce risk of explosions in white goods, hazardous environments

New Micro Switch series receives explosion-proof rating from independent industry certification organization

Honeywell has announced a new Micro SwitchTM series designed for use in household appliances and other hazardous locations where flammable gasses may be present.

Basic Switch for Hazardous Locations

The V15W2 Basic Switch is an explosion-proof-rated, snap-action, electromechanically sealed switch designed for applications such as commercial appliances, valves and actuators, commercial refrigeration, ice makers, and HVAC/R (furnace, refrigeration, and ventilation). In a typical household refrigerator, these switches can be used to control the production of ice in a freezer or turn on an interior light when the door is opened.

The independent component testing organization DEKRA has certified the switches with an explosion-proof rating in accordance with the International Electrotechnical Commission System for Certification to Standards Relating to Equipment for Use in Explosive Atmospheres (IECEx System). This is the first low-cost sealed switch to receive this explosion-proof rating globally.

“White goods manufacturers are adopting new refrigerants with lower global warming potentials, which can be flammable in certain conditions,” said Amanda Weise, senior global product manager for Honeywell’s Sensing and Internet of Things business. “Our new series of sealed, basic switches helps appliances operate safely by sealing the switch effectively to contain the spark that could lead to ignition in the presence of an explosive gas or vapor. In addition, they can also decrease manufacturing costs by eliminating the need for extra protective shielding and redundant measures.”

The cost-effective, sealed switches are designed for use in Zone 2 hazardous locations, which are classified as an environment where a mixture of air and flammable gas or vapor is not likely to occur in normal, day-to-day operations. In addition to ice makers and refrigerators, the switches can be found in generators, compressors, damper equipment, extraction ducts and valves.

The new explosion-resistant Micro Switch series offers:

  • An ambient temperature range of -25O C to +85O C
  • 5A electrical rating
  • A long service life of more than 1 million mechanical actuations
  • Gold contacts with low-energy circuits
  • Quick-connect terminals

The miniature, basic switches offer repeatable, consistent performance over the life of a product to provide control and safety within a wide range of difficult environmental conditions.

Honeywell pioneered the Micro Switch, which was invented in 1932 and can be found in products ranging from aircraft to vending machines. Honeywell’s cost-effective switches offer durability, repeatability, reliability, high current capacity and a small size.

More information about the new line can be found by visiting https://sensing.honeywell.com/switches.

Honeywell Safety and Productivity Solutions (SPS) provides products, software and connected solutions that improve productivity, workplace safety and asset performance for our customers across the globe. We deliver on this promise through industry-leading mobile devices, software, cloud technology and automation solutions, the broadest range of personal protective equipment and gas detection technology, and custom-engineered sensors, switches and controls. We also manufacture and sell a broad portfolio of footwear for work, play and outdoor activities, including XtraTufTM and Muck BootTM brand footwear.

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