수요일, 3월 12, 2025

IIC, publishs smart cities edition of Journal of Innovation

The Industrial Internet Consortium (IIC) has published the fourth edition of the Journal of Innovation with a focus on Smart Cities.

The Journal of Innovation highlights the innovative ideas, approaches, products, and services emerging within the Industrial Internet. The IIoT is one of the main technology drivers behind smart cities. While IIoT applications bring many benefits to smart cities, the integration of different technologies, processes, business, social, and regulation realms presents complicated security, privacy and interoperability challenges.

“We chose Smart Cities as the theme of this edition of the Journal of Innovation because many municipalities around the world are looking at ways to improve their infrastructure and services and our member organizations are on the leading edge of innovating in the Industrial Internet of Things,” said Edy Liongosari, co-chair of the IIC Thought Leadership Task Group and Chief Research Scientist at Accenture.

The Smart Cities edition of the Journal of Innovation includes the following articles contributed by leaders at IIC member companies: Bosch, Deloitte, Fujitsu, Huawei, InterDigital, NEC, SAP SE, and TCS.

  • Intelligent Transport Solutions for Smart Cities and Regions: Lessons Learned from an 18-month Trial
    Rafael Cepeda, InterDigital Europe
    Ken Figueredo, InterDigital Solutions
  • How IoT Can Significantly Improve Healthcare in the Context of Smart City
    Nitin Gupta, TATA Consultancy Services
  • Spotlight on the Business Strategy & Solution Lifecycle Working Group
  • Neuromarketing – The Art and Science of Marketing and Neurosciences Enabled by IoT Technologies
    Christopher Arthmann, NEC Innovation Division
    I-Ping Li, Deloitte Consulting
  • Outcomes, Insights and Best Practices from IIC Testbeds: Track and Trace Testbed
    Michael Dietz, SAP SE
    Andreas Mueller, Bosch
    Dirk Slama, Bosch Software Innovations
    Joseph Fontaine, Industrial Internet Consortium
  • What’s New at the Industrial Internet Consortium

hordon kim / hordon@icnweb.co.kr

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Hordon Kim
Hordon Kimhttps://powerelectronics.co.kr
아이씨엔매거진, PEMK(Power Electronics Magazine Korea) 인터내셔널 에디터입니다. An international editor of ICN magazine and PEMK.
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