화요일, 3월 11, 2025

Intertek and Korean Gas Safety Corporation Extend Agreement for Testing and Certification of Hazardous Location Equipment

Intertek, a leading Total Quality Assurance provider to industries worldwide, and the Korean Gas Safety Corporation (KGS), the only gas safety management specialist in Korea, have expanded their partnership for the testing and certification of equipment used in explosive atmospheres. Under the expanded agreement, the two organizations will accept testing and quality assessments for national and international certifications and compliance verifications, while also providing support for education and training, as well as exchange of technical information.

”Intertek’s relationship with KGS has a long history and we are pleased to build upon it in order to strengthen our global networks and partnerships,” said Rich Adams, Senior Vice President at Intertek. “The expansion of this agreement underscores our commitment to helping our customers more easily gain access to new markets with reliable, knowledgeable partners.”

The new agreement, which builds upon the existing agreement between KGS and Intertek, grants customers receiving certifications in the US and UK better access to the Korean market, while also allowing Korean manufacturers global access through the US and UK. Test reports, data and quality assessments will be shared in order to issue certifications such as IECEx, ATEX and/or national certifications. Information can also be used to illustrated compliance with technical standards and specifications mutually recognized among the regions.

“With our expanded partnership with Intertek, KGS is ready to take a firm position as Asia’s top certification group for equipment used in explosive atmospheres,” said Seung Kook Lee, General Manager at KGS. “We look forward to continuing our collaboration to help bring certified equipment into Korea but also provide support to domestic companies looking to export.”

Intertek provides global solutions to the hazardous locations industry with a proven track record of success supporting clients. From the widely recognized ETL mark for North America, to ATEX and IECEx certification, Intertek’s team of engineers and technicians have the experience and know-how to help with the certification process and provide training and technical service solutions designed with the industry in mind. For more information, visit www.intertek.com/hazardous-locations.

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