토요일, 2월 22, 2025

Smart factory technologies at WIN Automation EURASIA 2015 of Istanbul

Industry 4.0 in the spotlight at Eurasia’s leading industrial trade fair

Robotic arms that mimic animals, unmanned vehicles racing through warehouses, and energy-saving pump systems represent a sample of the Industrie 4.0 building blocks on display at WIN Automation EURASIA (19–22 March 2015, Istanbul), where 1,581 exhibiting companies from 21 countries demonstrated products and solutions for the smart factory of the future.

WIN Automation EURASIA 2015
WIN Automation EURASIA 2015

WIN Automation EURASIA’s four trade fairs (Otomasyon EURASIA, Materials Handling EURASIA, Hydraulic & Pneumatic EURASIA, and Electrotech EURASIA) covered industrial automation, materials handling and logistics, fluid power, and energy and electrotechnology, respectively – sectors that play crucial roles in improving production efficiency and quality while reducing costs.
“Turkey provides access to 1.5 billion customers in Europe, Eurasia, the Middle East and North Africa – markets that together represent $25 trillion of GDP,” said Wolfgang Pech, senior vice president at Deutsche Messe AG. “WIN is a showcase for global players as well as small and medium-sized companies. More than 77,000 visitors – including delegations from Algeria, Egypt, Germany, Libya, Palestine, and Tunisia – came to WIN because they know it is Eurasia’s innovation platform.”
Robotic arms that imitate the compact movements of animals and humans took center stage at Otomasyon EURASIA. Flexible and ergonomic, such systems reduce production and packaging times while preventing damage to products, especially in the food industry. “Manufacturing facilities throughout Eurasia use Yaskawa products. At WIN Automation we demonstrated the synergy between our drive, industrial automation and robotics lines,” said Turgay Halimler, managing director at YASKAWA Turkey, adding, “The Turkish market is currently more important for us than Europe, because Turkey is more open to innovation and provides feedback quickly.”
Materials Handling EURASIA spotlighted the range and flexibility of unmanned warehousing solutions that use smart navigation and sensors to autonomously control movement and avoid collisions. “Turkey’s logistics market, which is growing at about 15 percent annually, is very important for us,” said Wilfried Baur, managing director at Jungheinrich Turkey. “Our customers include national companies as well as European and international companies with operations in Turkey, such as Bauhaus, Mercedes and Metro, so we see Turkey as an important bridge between Europe and Asia. We focused on three areas at Materials Handling EURASIA: diesel vehicles, warehousing technology and customer service.”
Hydraulic & Pneumatic Eurasia featured innovative fluid power systems that support automation technologies. “Turkey’s hydraulics market is full of potential, not only for companies that meet domestic demand, but also for Turkish manufacturers that export. As the market leader in Turkey, we generate 80 percent of our turnover in Eurasia,” said Bircan Atılgan, international marketing manager at Kastaş A.Ş. “We introduced several new piston pneumatic seals at WIN as well as JPU9407, the premium thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) for machined seals, which brings many advantages to industry standard materials, especially at higher temperatures.” Hydraulic & Pneumatic EURASIA also featured the premier in Turkey of the special display PUMP Plaza. “Demand for pumps is high in Turkey, so it is important to be here to meet customers,” said Marcel Meijers, publisher at DdV media, organizer of the plaza. “Our exhibitors present a complete range of pumps and pump systems, including drive technology, controls and components.”
Electrotech EURASIA included products such as smart and refined safety relays that communicate with each other to control manufacturing processes. “Turkey’s electrical industry is developing in line with the region’s rapidly growing construction sector. Project companies – particularly electrical contractors – as well as end users and investment organizations from all over Turkey visit WIN,” said Ender Demiray, marketing manager at EAE. “We presented busbar trunking, cable ducts and LED lighting luminaires. Busbar systems’ modular structure makes them much more flexible for energy transmission and distribution than cable systems.”
WIN Automation EURASIA is organized by Hannover Messe Bilesim Fuarcilik A.S., Deutsche Messe’s subsidiary in Turkey, and belongs to Deutsche Messe’s HANNOVER MESSE Worldwide portfolio, which includes events in Brazil, Canada, China, India, Italy, and the United States. WIN Eurasia Automation 2016 is scheduled for 17–20 March in Istanbul.

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