토요일, 2월 22, 2025

[new] Security router for process technology

The topic of security is becoming increasingly important in process engineering. Phoenix Contact has the solution with its new mGuard security router.
The security router satisfies both the demanding hardware requirements of the process industry and the stringent IT requirements for security products. In terms of hardware, the extended temperature range of -40 to +70°C, the IECEx and ATEX approvals for the ex area and the corrosive gas test according to ISA-S71.04-1985 G3 Harsh Group A are just a few of its many advantages.
On the software front, additional security blocks for the OPC Classic protocol, which is widely used in industry, have been integrated alongside the existing MGUARD security functions. These blocks include DPI (Deep Package Inspection) and NAT (Network Address Translation) functions. DPI enables a high-quality OPC Classic firewall to be established within the production site, while NAT allows systems with the same IP addresses to be quickly and easily integrated into a higher-level production network without address conflicts.
phoenix contact

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