일요일, 2월 23, 2025

[HannoverMesse] World first in cooling technoloy by Rittal

앙겔라 메르켈 독일 총리와 나렌드라 모디 인도 총리가 리탈 부스를 찾았다.
Opening Walk About on Monday, 13th of April 2015 with Prime Minister of the Republic of India H.E. Narendra Damodardas Modi and Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany Dr. Angela Merkel.

Rittal is presenting its portfolio – and its added value for customers in IT and engineering – under the slogan “Our expertise. Your benefit” at the 2015 Hanover industrial trade fair (Hannover Messe). Rittal’s key feature this year is the new Blue e+ cooling units, currently the ultimate in efficiency. Worldwide. What is more, Rittal and sister companies Eplan, Cideon and Kiesling will highlight their innovative products – and explain how these solutions can help companies streamline their value chain in line with Germany’s Industry 4.0 initiative. Additionally, Rittal will present a new product that will greatly increase customers’ cost-efficiency.
“Four years of development work have gone into them. Now we are presenting a world first in climate control technology that substantiates our claim as technology and innovation leader”, says Dr. Thomas Steffen, Managing Director Research and Development with Rittal. To that end, Rittal’s goal is to reduce power consumption in cooling units so that the company makes a significant, positive contribution to climate protection and responds to rising energy prices. “Our new cooling units not only represent a quantum leap in terms of energy efficiency, they also excel due to the outstanding value for money in terms of engineering, logistics, operation and maintenance”, explains Dr. Thomas Steffen.
The Friedhelm Loh Group enterprises, Eplan, Cideon, Rittal and Kiesling, offer highly advanced solutions that enhance value chain processes in the age of M2M and smart factories (often called Industry 4.0 in Germany). The companies pool their strengths to achieve unique synergies – for the benefit of their engineering customers. M-CAD and E-CAD data solutions (RiCAD 3D, Eplan Data Portal), powerful software tools (Eplan Electric P8, Eplan Pro Panel, Rittal Therm and Rittal Power Engineering), and automation and M2M technology significantly improve efficiency.
In addition, Rittal will highlight its technology partner programme for the Ri4Power modular system. This initiative encourages inter-enterprise collaboration, allowing control systems and switchgear to be designed and built in line with IEC 61439. In 2015, leading companies, including ABB, Eaton, Emerson, GE, Inotec, Janitza, Siemens and Trips will continue to work hand-in-hand with Rittal within the scope of this programme.
Rittal will also promote the advantages of its TS 8 enclosure systems – with an installed base of 10 million units, and actively deployed in 90 per cent of all industries across the world. Furthermore, Rittal will showcase its abilities in power supply and distribution – for example its new 185 mm busbar system. Energy-saving infrastructure systems will be on display, including photovoltaics for both private households and for large-scale industrial solar farms. And visitors will also experience the latest developments in LCP (liquid cooling package) enclosure cooling, including integrated cable management and busbar technology.
Rittal will be demonstrating its expertise in secure, robust IT infrastructure – which is key to designing the highly automated production processes promoted by the Industry 4.0 initiative. The comprehensive portfolio includes a variety of components, systems and solutions for scalable and flexible IT infrastructure – from racks to entire data centres.
Rittal will also be represented at three other stands at the Hanover trade fair, including a combined stand with Eplan and Phoenix Contact (Hall 8, Stand D28), Tec-2You (Hall 11, Pavilion) and Forum Industrial Automation (Hall 14, Stand L17). Rittal’s sister companies Eplan and Cideon are located at Stand D18 in Hall 7.

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