수요일, 1월 22, 2025

Hordon Kim

About the author

아이씨엔매거진, PEMK(Power Electronics Magazine Korea) 인터내셔널 에디터입니다. An international editor of ICN magazine and PEMK.

어드밴텍, AURES Technologies 인수 완료.. 새로운 브랜드 “ADVANTECH-AURES” 출시

어드밴텍은 프랑스 POS 및 키오스크 브랜드로 유명한 AURES Technologies 인수를 성공적으로 완료했다

Advantech Finalizes Acquisition of AURES Technologies, Introducing New Brand “ADVANTECH-AURES”

Advantech has finalized its acquisition of AURES Technologies, introducing a new brand "ADVANTECH-AURES" to expand its product offerings and market presence

ABB opens new $100 million campus in Wisconsin

ABB has began the phased opening of a new $100 million campus in Wisconsin

SCHMID 그룹, 말레이시아에 아태지역 지사 개설

SCHMID 그룹이 아시아-태평양 지역을 담당하는 새로운 아태지역 지사를 설립했다

ABB acquire Födisch strengthening global leadership in continuous emission monitoring

Födisch Group’s extensive offering complements ABB’s portfolio of measurement and analytics solutions with additional continuous gas analyzers and dust measurement solutions

어드밴텍, 프랑스 Aures 인수로 소매업 POS 및 KIOSK 지능화 나선다

어드밴텍이 POS 및 키오스크 브랜드로 유명한 프랑스 회사인 아우레스 테크놀로지스(Aures Technologies SA)를 인수한다

[#HM24] 보쉬렉스로스, 리니어 모션 시스템 ctrlX FLOWHS 선보여

ctrlX FLOWHS는 최대 10G의 가속도와 5m/s의 속도를 보장하는 높은 역동성을 제공한다

[#HM24] Bosch Rexroth presents linear motion system ctrlX FLOW at HannoverMesse

One benefit of ctrlX FLOW is its high dynamics which helps to ensure the necessary performance levels in modern factories

Continental Tire Plant in Hefei Receives Internationally Recognized ISCC PLUS Sustainability Certification

"We are increasing the proportion of renewable and recyclable materials in our tires. We use the principle of mass balance to create transparency and accountability regarding our progress," says Jorge Almeida

석유·가스 산업용 SCADA 시스템, 억눌린 수요 폭발로 시장 반등

ARC는 글로벌 석유·가스 산업을 위한 SCADA 시스템 시장이 2023년부터 오는 2028년까지 연평균 6.9%의 성장률을 이어간다는 분석이다

The digital platform for AI in engineering

"With the AI marketplace, we offer companies a central place to solve their product development challenges with the help of AI. Thus, AI providers gain direct access to their customers," says Leon Özcan

Hyundai Robotics runs a disinfection robot at Asan Medical Center in Korea

Hyundai Robotics, an affiliate of Hyundai Heavy Industries Group, has announced that it will operate one face-to-face disinfection robot each launched in July this year
