일요일, 2월 23, 2025

HMS presents communication solutions for Battery Energy Storage Systems

communication solutions for Battery Energy Storage Systems
HMS communication solutions for Battery Energy Storage Systems

HMS Networks released several communication solutions for the rapidly expanding battery market. Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) require communication capabilities to connect to batteries and peripheral components, communicate with the power grid, monitor systems remotely and much more.

Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) may be one of the keys to solve the energy crisis and make the world more sustainable. Since green energy sources such as wind and solar are not always available, large battery parks can make it possible to store the energy to use when there is less sun or wind.

Battery Energy Storage Systems are made up of battery cells which are combined into battery packs which can then be combined into containers which in turn can make up battery parks the size of several football fields.

The systems can use new or recycled batteries and combine many different components. However, these large battery parks need a lot of communication capabilities in order to work. HMS now presents a comprehensive package of communication solutions catered for this application area.

Since the battery market has been spearheaded by the car industry, CAN is the communication standard of choice in many systems. Here, HMS offers an extensive portfolio of communication solutions via the Ixxat brand – for PC connection, networking, line extension, galvanic isolation and more.

In networking, the protection of components is crucial, both from external sources (like lightning strikes) and from system-related issues (AC/DC noise). Device protection is a must to avoid damage.

Ixxat products from HMS for CAN-based networking and device protection.
Ixxat products from HMS for CAN-based networking and device protection.

Battery Energy Storage Systems often combine a variety of different equipment from different industries within a single application – batteries, BMS, PLCs, fire detection units or air conditioning.

To combine different equipment, it is necessary to interconnect various protocols and network standards. CAN, Modbus, BACnet, KNX and other protocols can be easily linked via intelligent gateways from HMS, which handle the all-important data exchange while also enabling centralized control.

In addition, these gateways can selectively filter, map and, if necessary, manipulate the data in order to realize the best possible data exchange.

Networking gateways from HMS are well-suited for use in BESS.
Networking gateways from HMS are well-suited for use in BESS.

Intelligent networking is also required in order to connect to cloud solutions or SCADA systems. This connection can be made by using SG (Smart Grid) gateways from HMS that support both energy and industrial fieldbus protocols, as well as protocols required for cloud connection.

The SG gateways enable centralized control as well as remote access for predictive maintenance, logging or data visualization using the i4SCADA® solution from the HMS-owned company WEBfactory®.

The SG gateways also provide robust cybersecurity features, such as firewall, OpenVPN®, TLS encryption and user management. These protective measures are indispensable to protect against cyber-attacks.

Ixxat® SG-gateways handle communication between energy and industrial protocols whereas WEBfactory i4SCADA allows highly adaptable data visualization.
Ixxat® SG-gateways handle communication between energy and industrial protocols whereas WEBfactory i4SCADA allows highly adaptable data visualization.

“We see a rapidly growing demand for communication solutions in Battery Energy Storage Systems as society as a whole is turning to more sustainable energy sources such as wind and solar,” says Alexander Hess, General Manager at HMS Business Unit Ixxat. “Communication is needed to get BESS systems to work and HMS offers an extensive portfolio of industrial communication solutions to solve the communication issues at hand in these systems.”

Communication in Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS)

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