일요일, 2월 23, 2025

ZAPI Group acquires BlueBotics for autonomous navigation

BlueBotics’ Autonomous Navigation Technology (ANT)
BlueBotics’ Autonomous Navigation Technology (ANT)

BlueBotics, a Switzerland-based developer of autonomous navigation technology for AGVs and AMRs, was acquired by Zapi Group.

ZAPI GROUP is a global leader in electrification and manufacturer of electronic speed controllers, electric motors, battery chargers, and associated products for electric and hybrid vehicles. The transaction closed on December 21, 2021.

BlueBotics’ Autonomous Navigation Technology (ANT) is being integrated by an ever-growing number of industrial vehicle original equipment manufacturers and system integrators across the globe, having been applied across a wide range of applications – from shop floors to warehouses, clean rooms, hospitals and more.

“The acquisition of BlueBotics is a key strategic move for ZAPI GROUP as it further strengthens our position in the fast-growing automated vehicle sector. As a supplier of components for automated guided vehicles, it allows us to move up the value chain into vehicle navigation and fleet management while expanding the range of solutions we can offer our combined customer base,” – said Giannino Zanichelli, President of ZAPI GROUP. “We are highly impressed with the performance of BlueBotics’ navigation solutions, the depth of its team’s expertise, its strong brand, and its global customer base. We now look forward to supporting the team as they continue to grow the business under the BlueBotics brand.”

“This acquisition is exciting news for BlueBotics. Being part of the ZAPI GROUP, with its global footprint and market reach, will help us expand more strongly around the globe, allow us to engage with more new potential partners, and provide better support to our existing customers,” – said Nicola Tomatis, CEO of BlueBotics. “Our team’s knowledge, values, and customer-centric focus are fully aligned with those of ZAPI GROUP. And from a product standpoint, our technologies are a perfect fit.”

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