
    B&R standard motors now suitable for all safety applications

    Safety comes standard
    B&R is now equipping all standard motors with a safe encoder mount.

    B&R is now equipping all standard motors with a safe encoder mount. They can therefore now be used for safety applications without restrictions. A special safety motor is no longer necessary. The delivery times and prices of the standard motors remain the same. Safety applications can be implemented in less time and at lower cost.

    Safety applications used to require the use of special motors with a safe encoder mount. B&R has now developed a special process, where a positive-locking element ensures that the encoder and motor shaft cannot slip unnoticed. This makes it possible to implement safety functions such as Safe Positioning and Safe Homing, for which safe position feedback is required.


    IO-Link Wireless
    우청 기자
    우청 기자
    아이씨엔 매거진 테크니컬 에디터입니다. 산업용사물인터넷과 디지털전환을 위한 애널리틱스를 모아서 뉴스와 기술기사로 제공합니다.
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