화요일, 3월 11, 2025

[#sps_live] Now and future; Bosch Rexroth’s automation solutions at SPS IPC Drives 2018

The goal indicates what needs to be done: in the factory of the future, all machines will be connected with each other as well as with the Internet of Things in a digitalized value stream. At SPS IPC Drives, Bosch Rexroth will present products and solutions that are already helping users develop their factories of the future and at the same time will offer a preview of tomorrow and beyond.

Now: Future-proof automation solutions

Using the example of a connected production line, the “Factory of the Future Showcase”, the drive and control specialist will demonstrate that products can already be manufactured flexibly and economically with batch size one using existing automation solutions. At interconnected stations, the line manufactures different variants of an IoT sensor, which cost-effectively collects and analyses data, for example temperature, acceleration and magnetism. The line is connected to higher-level IT solutions right through to the cloud via OPC UA.

The fast track to significant results

IoT Insights provides machine operators with a complete package for machine optimization. The system solution, including sensors, IoT Rack, Gateway and dashboard, enables users to quickly collect, pass on and analyze data.

Rexroth app speeds up service

The Digital Service Assistant, Rexroth’s new service app, simplifies error diagnosis and ensures swift support whenever servicing is required.

Nexeed: software and services for production and logistics (factsheet)

Bosch Connected Industry bundles smart software solutions and services under the name Nexeed which are all designed to help customers connect their entire value stream. The solutions simplify daily work routines and optimize production and logistics processes.

A motion control system that has it all covered

With the new XM42 embedded controller, the motion control system MLC can now control up to 192 synchronized axes and can cover both straightforward and complex applications thanks to scalable hardware and software.

CNC system MTX with new hardware

Thanks to increased processing power in the control hardware, Bosch Rexroth’s CNC system MTX now achieves even shorter cycle times and improved machining quality.

New embedded control XM42

Rexroth is expanding its control system family in the upper performance range with its new embedded control XM42. With just one embedded hardware users can now automate concepts for which they previously needed several controllers.

PLC simplifies connection to higher-level IoT systems

Based on numerous automation and IT standards and offering the option to pre-process data internally, the PLC system software ILC makes integrating machines into the Internet of Things easier.

Automation ten times faster

Thanks to the drive-based technology function Sequential Motion Control, users can reduce programming and commissioning effort by up to 90% compared to classic PLC programming.

Toothed belt drive axes with new servo motors

In combination with the latest generation of synchronous servo motors, Rexroth’s belt axes achieve performance, speed and dynamics which have previously only been feasible with linear motor axes.

Efficient, intelligent, compact and quiet

Equipped with a sensor package and open interfaces, the CytroBox hydraulic power unit is ready for use in connected environments.

Next: Artificial intelligence gaining ground

A table football game equipped with industrial control and drive technology uses artificial intelligence to learn how to flexibly respond to new requirements. In order to speed up the learning process, the system is trained with software virtually. The experience and knowledge gained from this project are directly being used to develop the next generation of automation solutions.

Beyond: Maximum flexibility

In the factory of the future, the transportation of workpieces within manufacturing cells will no longer be carried out rigidly linearly via conveyor belts or robots, but freely within the space. Bosch Rexroth provides a perspective on this with a conceptual study in which magnetically guided workpiece carriers with six degrees of freedom can approach any position independently of each other.

As one of the world’s leading suppliers of drive and control technologies, Bosch Rexroth ensures efficient, powerful and safe movement in machines and systems of any size. The company bundles global application experience in the market segments of Mobile Applications, Machinery Applications and Engineering, and Factory Automation. With its intelligent components, customized system solutions and services, Bosch Rexroth is creating the necessary environment for fully connected applications. Bosch Rexroth offers its customers hydraulics, electric drive and control technology, gear technology and linear motion and assembly technology, including software and interfaces to the Internet of Things. With locations in over 80 countries, more than 30,500 associates generated sales revenue of 5.5 billion euros in 2017.

more information at www.boschrexroth.com

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