2024년 9월 20일

[HannoverMesse] ACP Releases ThinManager 8.0 with Relevance Mobile Platform to Create the Most Powerful Industrial Thin Client and Mobile Management System

Hannover Messe 2015
ACP (Automation Control Products) announces the availability of ThinManager 8 to begin shipping on May 15, 2015. ThinManager 8 includes support for Active Directory and continues support for the new Relevance mobile platform that allows modern facilities to create location-based work environments to deliver content to the right person, at the right time, in the right place. The combination of ThinManager and Relevance will define the era of mixed use computing environments by allowing one platform to manage every PC, thin client and mobile device on the plant floor.
“We are very proud of the new ThinManager 8. Long time users will find the Active Directory support to be a major benefit when managing users in their Windows-based environments,” says Tom Jordan, V.P. of Marketing at ACP. “We are also giving all ThinManager 8 end users access to a 120 day complimentary bundling of Relevance as well. This will give those users an opportunity to test industrial-strength mobile management specifically designed for plant floor environments.”
ThinManager’s flexible platform can be configured through a variety of innovative options for any terminal server network, without the difficulty of managing multiple network configurations. ThinManager also supports multiple application sessions from various sources, virtual machine management, IP camera feeds and multiple monitors—up to five on a single thin client.

IO-Link Wireless
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