토요일, 2월 22, 2025

[HannoverMesse] From hype to reality – Atos presents industry 4.0 projects at Hannover Messe 2015

Atos, a leader in digital business, is present at Hannover Messe 2015: On the Bitkom Innovation Area, booth C04 in hall 7, the company shows current IT solutions and projects regarding industry 4.0, with a focus on safety, Big Data analytics and the development of new customer services based on connected machines and products. Additionally Atos provides insight into current research projects.
„Industry 4.0 has been a widely discussed topic for quite some time“, says Winfried Holz, CEO Atos Germany. „ Now it is necessary to create successful projects based on models that demonstrate the potential of digitization of industrial production.“
Together with its partner BSH Hausgeräte GmbH Atos demonstrates a solution of the Connected Home area: The connected oven can be switched on and regulated via Internet thanks to Home Connect. Moreover the user has access to recipes and services among other things via the Internet plattform of BSH. With this project Atos demonstrates its expertise at software development, continuous test management and application integration of mobile devices and platforms for connected home appliances.
Analysis of industrial data
In the field of industrial connectivity, the IT service provider focuses on his Industrial Data Analytics (IDA) solution: Thanks to the IDA framework Atos offers a technology to carry out customized Big Data projects efficiently. The IDA framework covers the modules Data Integration, Data Management, Data Modeling & Analysis and Data Presentation, which can be used flexibly for a project and can be customized individually. The IDA technology is designed for use in various markets: Both the manufacturing industry and the telecommunications and energy industries benefit from the innovative analytics to optimize various business processes and implementing new digital business models. Also, the location of delivery is flexible: Atos offers IDA either as a cloud service from its own data center or provides the technology at the customer directly.
Security as prerequisite for industry 4.0
Atos meets the requirements of the new IT Security Act with industry-specific solutions: Among other things, the regulations require compliance with minimum standards in the IT security for operators of critical infrastructures. In the context of security assessments Atos helps concerned companies to comply with safety standards. In addition, the IT service provider demonstrates a proof-of-concept as an identity management in the context of an industrial 4.0 environment can be safely organized. Using a special mobile solution the access authorization of service technicians to a wind turbine can be authenticated safely.
Research project GEMINI
In addition, Atos presents the research project GEMINI. The project is part of the technology program “AUTONOMIK for Industry 4.0” and is funded by the Federal Ministry of Economics. Atos is involved through its innovation lab C-LAB to develop business models for Industry 4.0, which describes the new digital connections between industrial manufacturing processes. On the one hand Atos is researching cloud-based services for Industry 4.0 regarding specific business model patterns which serve as foundation for innovative business models. Building on this, business models for business ideas about a B2B platform for additive manufacturing are being evaluated.
Strategy consulting for digitalization
Also Atos Consulting – the management and IT strategy consulting unit at Atos – shows how to successfully realize digitization projects for customers in the manufacturing sector. Atos Consulting has, for example, developed a workflow management strategy for a German automotive supplier company. The result is transparency and uniformity in the workflow processes.

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