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All together under one roof: 10 flagship fairs for the entire world of industry

Hannover. The latest developments, topics and trends in industry are presented each year at HANNOVER MESSE (the Hannover Fair). From 21 to 25 April 2008, senior business leaders, politicians and scientists will be coming to Hannover for the world’s most important technology event. The outstanding feature of the show is its broad-spectrum coverage of many different industries, creating a dynamic climate in which new ideas are born and new contacts made.
HANNOVER MESSE is the collective branding for a whole group of international trade shows, which together document virtually every stage in the end-to-end industrial value-adding chain. Because some events take place in alternate years only, the line-up for HANNOVER MESSE changes from year to year. The headline themes of HANNOVER MESSE 2008 are industrial automation, energy technologies, subcontracting and services, and new technologies for the future. At the same time the show is also targeting school-leavers and students with its special youth-oriented presentation “TectoYou”. A new addition to the program is the trade fair Power Plant Technology.
Outlook for 2008: the headline themes
In recent years HANNOVER MESSE has established itself as the principal hub and showcase for international energy technologies. One unique aspect of HANNOVER MESSE is its focus on the entire energy mix of the future, including both regenerative and conventional forms of energy. The displays will feature more efficient technologies for the transmission, distribution, conversion and storage of energy. The technological advances that make climate protection and energy-efficient industrial plant possible have also shaped the agenda for HANNOVER MESSE 2008. Joining the pairing of “Energy” and “Pipeline Technology” is a third international trade fair with an energy-related theme, “Power Plant Technology”. This event will present innovative technologies and concepts along with the extensive subcontracting sector involved in the construction of new power stations. The show covers both large-scale power station construction and smaller decentralized generating facilities for industry, typically in the form of combined heat-and-power plants or cogeneration plants. And once again forming the centerpiece of the whole energy debate in Hannover will be the 2008 round of the WORLD ENERGY DIALOGUE, chaired by renowned climate protection expert Professor Dr. Klaus Töpfer and the Chairman of the Executive Board of the German Energy Agency (dena), Stephan Kohler.
With three major trade fairs making up the Industrial Automation section of the show – INTERKAMA+ (process automation for the process industry), Factory Automation (production automation) and Industrial Building Automation – HANNOVER MESSE is the largest exhibition of industrial automation anywhere in the world. Next year two new groups of exhibits – “Mobile Robots” and “Autonomous Systems” – are being added to the lineup. Mobile robots have applications in many different areas, and are increasingly playing a role in industrial production. Driverless transport systems are evolving into intelligent subsystems, which not only direct the flow of materials before and after production, but in future will increasingly be integrated into the production process itself. Visitors to this year’s show responded enthusiastically to the special themed presentations “Hygienic Design”, “Process Automation live”, “Application Park” and the “Robotics Academy”, all of which feature on the program again in 2008. The coverage of process automation is being extended by the inclusion of a manufacturers’ conference on “Asset Management”.
“HANNOVER MESSE is the largest and most important platform for international technology transfer”, says Sepp D. Heckmann, Chairman of the Board at Deutsche Messe. “We not only reflect the current status, but set new standards as a driver of new technological developments in all sectors of industry. Energy and productivity are the battleground that will decide the future viability of industrial nations. That’s why these issues are at the very heart of HANNOVER MESSE.”
The focus of the action in technology transfer at HANNOVER MESSE is the trade fair Research & Technology. In Hall 2 visitors can see cutting-edge research and technologies for innovative industrial production processes and products destined for the markets of tomorrow. More state-of-the-art technology and pioneering innovations can be seen at the companion trade fair MicroTechnology, which offers a wealth of systems solutions for miniaturization in all its forms. An essential adjunct to the value-adding chain in all branches of technology is the subcontracting sector, supplying vital components and services. At the leading international trade fair Subcontracting component suppliers and service providers demonstrate just how important they are for their customers, and just how much they contribute in terms of adding value and giving manufacturers a competitive edge in today’s dynamic markets – particularly in such sectors as mechanical and plant engineering and the automotive industry. Digital systems and components now play an important role at every stage of the value-adding chain, helping to manage and control product development, production scheduling and production, quality assurance, logistics and customer service. Integrated processes and IT solutions are the theme of the trade fair Digital Factory.
In 2008, HANNOVER MESSE brings together 10 international flagship trade fairs under one roof. The resulting opportunity to study industrial processes and new technologies in an interdisciplinary, cross-industry context, and to forge quality contacts between suppliers and users from all over the world, is something that no other event can offer.
Partner Country Japan
Preparations are well under way for the Partner Country presentation in 2008, amidst an atmosphere of keen anticipation. Japan is not only one of the leading industrial nations, it is also a strong performer in the development of pioneering technologies. Highly innovative areas such as robotics, micro- and nanotechnologies, environmental and energy technology, biotechnology and the life sciences will undoubtedly feature prominently in the Japanese presentation.
아이씨엔 매거진 2008년 04월호

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