
    Industrial Reply’s AXULUS makes IIoT projects scalable

    Industrial companies are faced with the challenge of keeping pace with ever shorter innovation cycles and increasingly complex technologies. Although the use of Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) offers considerable added value and almost all industrial companies have implemented strategies and technical proof-of-concepts (PoCs), only 5% can scale their applications and exploit their advantages.


    Industrie Reply enables the full business potential of IIoT to be exploited with its AXULUS. The solution enables users to develop use cases for IIoT based on templates. Step by step, use case ideas can be identified, solutions can be configured using predefined templates and rolled out with digital implementation workflows in industrial production environments. Integrated Artificial Intelligence also helps users to continuously improve their own projects.

    The decisive innovation is that AXULUS aims to digitalise the entire process – from the definition of use cases to the development of solutions and solution variants and the introduction of IIoT solutions in the production environment. The scalability and modular structure of the tool means that each solution can be individually adapted. This is an advantage if an application is to be used in another division, at other locations, by another customer or supplier.

    “AXULUS provides companies with a solution that enables them to develop and implement use cases for IIoT projects much faster, based on target values that make the benefits of such solutions transparent,” explains Florian Beil, Partner at Industrie Reply. “Instead of costly, large-scale digitisation projects, users can initiate a self-directed continuous improvement process and thus accelerate the value creation of IIoT by a factor of 2 to 5.”

    AXULUS is designed as a cloud-based tool collection and is aimed at industrial companies using IIoT applications and IIoT solution developers alike. Users can choose between a public cloud or private cloud variant on a subscription basis.


    Hordon Kim
    Hordon Kim
    아이씨엔매거진, PEMK(Power Electronics Magazine Korea) 인터내셔널 에디터입니다. An international editor of ICN magazine and PEMK.
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