화요일, 3월 11, 2025

Real-Time Innovations joins Autonomous Vehicle Computing Consortium (AVCC) to help define architecture for highly autonomous vehicles

Real-Time Innovations (RTI), the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) connectivity company, has joined the Autonomous Vehicle Computing Consortium (AVCC). RTI joins leading OEMs, Tier 1 suppliers and semiconductor companies in their collaborative effort to accelerate the delivery of safe and affordable autonomous vehicles at scale.

RTI brings extensive expertise in autonomy through its work with over 50 commercial autonomous system developers including Aptiv, Baidu and Xpeng Motors, among others. RTI will collaborate with the AVCC to define the architecture to develop and run highly-autonomous vehicles, and support development phases from research to production.

The amount of technological innovation required to develop highly-autonomous vehicles demands collaboration at an industry level. This requires the availability of a common architecture that these systems can be based on, regardless of the manufacturer, hardware or software selected. In mid 2019, industry leaders united to form the AVCC to help solve the challenge of deploying safe self-driving vehicles.

The AVCC’s primary purpose is to develop a computing platform designed specifically to move today’s prototype systems to deployment at scale. The group will also develop the requirements for software connectivity interfaces for each building block in an autonomous vehicle.

RTI is the global leader in data-centric connectivity software. RTI Connext® DDS is built on Data Distribution Service™ (DDS), the proven software connectivity standard. RTI’s newest product, Connext Drive®, is the first and only software framework that can integrate multiple automotive specifications. RTI automotive experts will work with AVCC members on interface standards, real-time communication and next generation system architecture to advance the state-of-the-art in vehicle design.

“Autonomous vehicles are highly complex systems. Manufacturers need to ensure their systems can operate in diverse real-time environments, meet safety and security requirements, scale and interoperate within all autonomous vehicle systems,” said Bob Leigh, Senior Director of Market Development, Autonomous Systems at RTI. “We’re looking forward to actively collaborating with the AVCC and fellow industry leaders to tackle these technological challenges facing the higher levels of autonomous operation.”

“The AVCC is excited to welcome RTI in the Consortium. We value RTI’s expertise in the autonomous vehicle and connectivity framework space and the Consortium is looking forward to their technical contributions to the working groups and to overall AVCC activities,” said Massimo Osella (General Motors), Chairman of the AVCC.

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IO-Link Wireless
Hordon Kim
Hordon Kimhttps://powerelectronics.co.kr
아이씨엔매거진, PEMK(Power Electronics Magazine Korea) 인터내셔널 에디터입니다. An international editor of ICN magazine and PEMK.
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