2024년 9월 16일

[#HM24] Linux Foundation launches “Margo” to deliver edge interoperability for IIoT

Margo Initiative to Enhance Flexibility and Scalability in Multi-Vendor Environments

Industrial automation leaders drive digital transformation through seamless edge interoperability with new open standard
Industrial automation leaders drive digital transformation through seamless edge interoperability with new open standard

The Linux Foundation has unveiled Margo, a groundbreaking open standard initiative aimed at enhancing interoperability at the edge of industrial automation ecosystems. Named after the Latin word for edge, Margo aims to streamline interactions between edge applications, devices, and orchestration software, promising increased flexibility, simplicity, and scalability. This initiative is expected to break down innovation barriers in multi-vendor environments, accelerating digital transformation for organizations of all sizes.

Hosted by the Joint Development Foundation, part of the Linux Foundation, Margo is backed by major automation ecosystem providers, including ABB, Capgemini, Microsoft, Rockwell Automation, Schneider Electric, and Siemens. The initiative invites industry peers to collaborate in creating a robust interoperability standard to help customers achieve their digital transformation goals efficiently.

Bart Nieuwborg, Chair of the Margo Initiative, emphasized the commitment to modern and agile interoperability, supported by a comprehensive open-source reference implementation and compliance test toolkit. Jim Zemlin, Executive Director of the Linux Foundation, highlighted the spirit of open-source collaboration, aiming to reduce constraints, costs, and delays in deploying multi-vendor ecosystems.

Digitizing Industrial Operations – How Industry Can Address Interoperability Challenges at the Edge

Margo is poised to revolutionize system interoperability, fostering growth and value within the industrial automation sector. For more information, visit www.margo.org.


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오승모 기자http://icnweb.kr
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