
    Advantech and Altizon partnership accelerates Industry 4.0 transformation for sustainable, efficient digital factory

    Advantech and Altizon launch their feature-rich, smart solution designed to simplify modernization of factory operations

    Digital Factory hardware and software solution is ideal for the industrial manufacturing sector
    Digital Factory hardware and software solution is ideal for the industrial manufacturing sector

    Advantech, a leading provider of industrial Internet of Things (IoT) hardware and automation technology, and Altizon, a global software provider of Industrial IoT platform, Datonis Digital Factory, are announced the launch of their joint solution designed for ease of transformation to a smart factory. The integrated hardware and software solution benefits operations that desire the advantages of digital factories with low capital investment and fast process to modernization.

    The solution bundle includes specially selected Advantech edge hardware and Altizon’s Datonis Digital Factory platform, pre-validated and pre-installed to ensure smooth deployment. Altizon’s platform provides a ready-made suite of applications that digitize critical operational functions, such as production, maintenance, quality, energy and sustainability.

    It works with all leading control systems architecture (SCADA) and protocols. The software solution also features a self-service API capability that offers ease of customization and integration with factories’ existing IT systems. For impactful business intelligence, this smart platform utilizes comprehensive analytics capabilities to deliver outcome prediction and insightful reports.

    “Altizon is excited to partner with Advantech for accelerating the growth of our Digital Factory applications and solutions,” said Vinay Nathan, CEO, Altizon. “By offering out-of-the-box connectivity to Altizon’s Digital Factory suite with Advantech’s IIoT hardware, we see customers benefiting from a one-stop solution that is seamless to deploy and yields rapid ROI [Return on Investment].”

    The bundle includes the following Advantech intelligent hardware device choices that include both X86 and ARM-based platforms and a smart sensor for scalability and flexibility. The UNO-2271G-V2 is pre-certified with Microsoft Azure Edge and AWS IoT Greengrass for secure orchestration between cloud services and edge devices.

    “The partnership between Advantech and Altizon brings great value to our systems integrators and end-user customers by solving common pain points on the factory floor with simplified digital transformation,” said Carolyn Swan, director of partnerships, Advantech North America IIoT Group. “Manufacturing systems integrators can help transition factories with less headache by deploying our bundle solution. End-user customers can be up and running within four to six weeks and enjoy higher productivity, real-time edge intelligent analytics, lower operational costs and faster time to market.”

    The Digital Factory hardware and software solution is ideal for the industrial manufacturing sector, such as food and beverage and automotive.

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