Home Industry News The digital platform for AI in engineering

The digital platform for AI in engineering

The digital platform for AI in engineering

Whether an AI-supported recognition of identical and similar parts or the intelligent sequence planning of production orders – the potentials of artificial intelligence (AI) in engineering are manifold. This is precisely where the AI marketplace project, an initiative of the leading-edge cluster it’s OWL, comes in.

Suppliers, users and experts can jointly develop and exchange AI solutions on one platform. At HANNOVER MESSE, visitors can experience the functions and effects of the platform at the OWL group exhibit (Hall 7 D27).

“With the AI marketplace, we offer companies a central place to solve their product development challenges with the help of AI. Thus, AI providers gain direct access to their customers,” says Leon Özcan, project coordinator and research associate at the Heinz Nixdorf Institute of the University of Paderborn.

Thanks to the use of AI in product development, companies can increase their development capacities and reduce development times and subsequent manufacturing costs. However, only a few companies have so far exploited this potential because they often lack the necessary AI expertise or have reservations about the security of their data.

One company that is using the AI marketplace to deploy AI at its own facilities is Hella Gutmann Solutions. In the AI marketplace, the company is dedicated to AI-supported vehicle diagnostics in order to automatically detect defective components in a variety of different vehicle brands in the future and thus support workshop employees. Within a pilot project of the AI marketplace, Hella Gutmann has developed an automated diagnosis, which the company has published for its customers in the fall of 2022.

The AI marketplace is already very popular. More than 200 users can experience the possibilities of a community platform, a secure data room, and an app and service store for free. “These three features will be implemented on the AI Marketplace. We are also working on a development environment for the platform,” says Özcan. In addition to implementing the new features on the platform, the focus in the final year of the project is on going live by the end of 2022.

The AI Marketplace project is funded from January 2020 to June 2023 in the innovation competition “Artificial Intelligence as a Driver for Economically Relevant Ecosystems” of the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK).

For more information, visit www.ki-marktplatz.com

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