2024년 4월 17일

    [ICNweb] Rambus and SK Hynix Sign Patent License Agreement

    Rambus Inc., the innovative technology solutions company, and SK Hynix, the world’s top tier memory semiconductor supplier, has announced they have signed a five-year patent license agreement for the use of Rambus memory-related patented innovations in SK Hynix semiconductor products and have also settled all outstanding claims. The agreement includes a license to certain DRAM products for payments of $12 million per quarter for the next five years. Other terms of the agreement are confidential.

    “This is a milestone agreement for both companies that puts years of legal disputes behind us and gives us the opportunity for collaboration,” said Dr. Ron Black, president and chief executive officer at Rambus. “With this agreement, we can focus more on engaging with the industry as we work on future challenges where we can bring invention and value to the market with superior solutions and products.”


    IO-Link Wireless
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